Sunday, February 12, 2012

Booking It in February

I don't know about you, but I love to read.  And, as I mentioned in a recent post, I'm trying to make a concerted effort to make more time for the things I love to do.  So...less TV, more reading...and, oh, how I've forgotten just how much I really LOVE to read! 

I'm going to be Booking It in 2012 and as I'm doing so, I'll be sharing my current reads once a month.  I feel like I read a wide variety of books so please don't expect to see loads of books on single parenting...these are just books that I happen to be reading...and my thoughts and opinions on them.  You can feel free to take it or leave it but here goes...

 The Story: The Bible as One Continuing Story of God and His People
I happened to be visiting my previous home-church in Louisville when they began a sermon series on this book.  And while I don't get to frequent that church very often since it's now an hour and a half away, I decided to join them and read along.  They will be covering one chapter each week so even with my crazy hectic life, I figure I can keep up with that pace!  The book is the Bible written based on NIV scriptures in a chronological format that reads much like a novel.  It's definitely a compelling way to hear one of the greatest stories of all time!

One Bite at a Time: 52 Projects for Making Life Simpler
One Bite at a Time: 52 Projects for Making Life Simpler
This book was actually the suggested book for January's edition of Booking It I'm a bit delayed in sharing my thoughts on it.  But I've opted to take a leisurely approach with this one...since author Tsh Oxenreider shares 52 ways to simplify life, I'm taking 52 weeks (or 1 year) to read through the book.  It makes it much more manageable for me to focus on one task each week.  And so far, so good...definitely some helpful pointers here!  And I think we all know that if anyone needs some help with simplifying life, it's us single parents!

The Hunger Games
When I started this one, it was SO hard to put down!  It's the first in The Hunger Games trilogy and I'm determined to finish the book before the movie hits theatres in March.  If you haven't started reading it and you enjoy a good fiction, I strongly recommend it!
My Single Mom Life: Stories and Practical Lessons for Your Journey 
 My Single Mom Life: True Stories and Practical Lessons for Your Journey
I LOVE this book!  I'm still not quite finished with it (shocking I'm sure, considering I've already listed 3 other books I'm reading!) but I really enjoy Angela Thomas' writing's like she's right there telling you her story in person.  She has an uncanny ability to make you laugh and cry and there are so many stories that she shares about her own journey that I can relate to!  Thomas is a Christian author and speaker and happens to have been a single mom not so long ago.  When I'm finished with this one, I plan on posting a full review to share more with you!
And lastly,
the February recommendation for Booking It, (which I have actually finished!)
The Money $aving Mom's Budget
Crystal Paine, who blogs at, shares her pointers on frugal living in 9 easy-to-read chapters.  While many of her principles are very basic, I found it to be a good refresher course.  I'm a huge proponent (and graduate) of Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University, but recently re-discovered my credit card and had a bit of a relapse.  So reading this book was really impeccable timing for me!  And thankfully, I didn't get too out of control with the credit card and will be paying it off this week (and promptly hiding it from myself to prevent future relapses!).  Yay!  Anyhow, even if you already have a good handle on your budget, Paine also offers some tips on goal setting and, maybe my favorite section, "embracing today" (which resonates with one of my previous posts).  But, if you cringe at the sound of the word budget or are truly living paycheck-to-paycheck and wondering how you're going to pay the next bill, this book is a great place to start!
So that's what I'm reading right now.  I'm curious to hear from any good books lately?  Do you have any more that I need to add to my "to read" list? 
 *This post is linked to*


  1. I just blazed through Harry Potter in 2 weeks (all 7 of them) and The Hunger Games is next! As soon as it comes into the library :)

    Will brought home a new copy of The Story yesterday, so I may be reading this one too.

    1. I do love Harry Potter books! I read them all when they came out but could stand to re-read them...

      I think you'll enjoy The Story. It's an easy read, especially if you break it down to 1 chapter each week! I looked for you and Will that Sunday that I was there... :) Still miss that place!

  2. Congrats on getting back in charge of your credit card and getting it paid off! :-)

    1. Thanks! It's a great feeling to get rid of debt...I just hope I keep myself in check from here on out...

  3. Everyone says that about the Hunger Games, but I could not get past the storyline!! I am not a fan of fantasy though at all!

    1. The storyline is a bit different...kinda depressing, huh? But it's definitely got me captivated!

  4. I love talking books! I echo your recommendation of the Hunger Games. I could not put those books down and I can't wait to see how the movie turns out!

    I just finished reading Unbroken and was blown away by the story of a WWII veteran who was lost at sea, only to be captured by the Japanese and imprisoned in horrid conditions as a POW. Everyone should read it and learn more about the POWs during this time. I'm also in the middle of Surprised by Oxford. Beautifully written story of faith. A great blend of intellectualism, love of literature, and exploration of Christianity.

    1. I just added the 2 books you mentioned to my "to read" list! Thanks for sharing - I love a good book!

      I just recently discovered (via The Modern Mrs. Darcy) If you don't have an account, it's a social networking site that provides an excellent way to track the books you've read, are currently reading, and hope to read. I love it!
